Love God. Love Others. Make Disciples.

New Here?

What to Expect

We are a community of believers committed to being anchored in God’s word and led by the Spirit. Our Sunday mornings and gatherings throughout the week are casual and inviting. Our congregational make up is socio-economically diverse. The community around us has trailer parks, government housing, middle class neighborhoods and country clubs, and we reach them all by battling socio-economic complexities with simplicity. We have the goal of always being inviting but never impressive. It’s a no-frills approach to Loving God, Loving Others, and Making Disciples.

This commitment to simplicity gives us the ability and focus to be missional in our community. Through the work of the Village Church, Celebrate Recovery and Joshua’s Place, our facility stays active all week long as we reach out and minister to those struggling with broken relationships, hurts, habits, and hang ups, and poverty. This gives followers of Jesus real opportunities to touch the lives of those that are hurting and to fulfill the calling God has for them to be “salt and light.”

This depth of ministry has drawn together a tremendous group of humble, willing and gifted leaders and volunteers. We work hard at breaking down traditional church hierarchy by focusing on roles, not rank. Our leadership structure is there for support and accountability with the goal of getting everyone engaged in the mission God has for our church. It’s this environment that has fostered community with each other and deeper intimacy with Jesus.

When & Where

The Village Church meets every Sunday at the South Lebanon Community Center. Some of you may have grown up in a traditional church setting and the thought of going to church in a community building seems a little weird. We understand; however, we encourage you to give us a shot and see what we’re all about.

Sunday Mornings
- Bible Study starts at 9:30 AM
- Worship Service begins at 11:00 AM
- Check-in for Village Kids opens at 10:45 AM
- Check-in for The Street opens at 10:45 AM

Celebrate Recovery meets every Wednesday and relies on God’s healing power through the 8 Recovery Principles and 12 Biblical Steps.

Wednesday Evening
- Fellowship meal begins at 6:45 PM
- Celebrate Recovery service and support groups begin at 7:15 PM
- Celebration Place (grades 1-5 with additional childcare available)

South Lebanon Community Center
83 North Section Street
South Lebanon, OH 45065

(Parking is next to the Broadway Street entrance)


Are you part of a denomination?
We are not part of a denomination and refer to ourselves as an interdenominational church. We don’t feel that denominations are intrinsically good or bad, just polarizing to many people who don’t know Jesus. Our elders and pastors have determined that our vision and mission will enable us to share the gospel, disciple believers, and take the good news of Jesus to the world.

What is your financial accountability to donors?
If you’re a first-time guest or a non-Christian, we don’t want your money, we’re just glad to have you with us. If you do feel led to give cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7) to The Village Church, you can do so with confidence. We have an elder board that oversees the financial operations of the church and we incorporate best practice standards when handling your contributions.

Ministries at The Village
