Love God. Love Others. Make Disciples.



One of the core values of The Village Church is to be a Missional Community that reflects God’s heart to go to the least, the last, and the lost in our community and the world. This attitude is an extension of God’s love and missionary activity as embodied by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Just as Jesus was sent, we too are learning what it means to be sent. Check out how you can get involved with our local mission work below.

Global Missions

Serving outside our borders has a way of taking us out of our comfort zone and a step closer to fulfilling our call to go and make disciples of all nations. Since 2009, we have been making trips to La Limonada in Guatemala City to serve with Lemonade International.

Local Missions

We don’t have to look outside our community, our neighborhood or even our own household to find people we can serve. Local missions begins when Christ followers take a meal to a sick friend, babysit for a single mom, tutor a fatherless child or stand by an addicted relative. At The Village Church, we encourage our community to live this missionary lifestyle through their existing relationships.

Beyond this, we also understand that we can make a big impact through focusing a group of people and resources on a targeted need. To this end, we have opened Joshua’s Place, which is targeted at breaking the cycle of addiction, despair and generational poverty found in our community.

Joshua was a leader appointed by God to take a wandering and hopeless group of Israelites into the promised land, the place of God’s presence that is full of abundance and blessing. Like Joshua, we believe that God has placed The Village Church in this community to walk with and lead people into the modern day promised land; a place of freedom that can only be found in following Jesus Christ.

Joshua's Place

Joshua’s Place exists to help families overcome the barriers in their life that cause instability.  We have over 250 volunteers that serve in various areas.  We host a monthly orientation to help you get plugged in. Learn More

Ministries at The Village
